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Do You Know What Marketing Efforts are Working in Your Interior Design Business?

August 17, 2022

A guest post by Pamela Durkin, ASID, LEED AP ID+C

I was listening to Todd Herman, the creator of The 90 Day Year. He suggests breaking down our goals down into 90-day sprints, rather than yearly marathons. This makes this process so much more manageable.

Along those same lines, he mentions how we don’t need to keep trying different tactics to bring in business, just be more observant to what’s already working. I can be guilty of this is as well.

It’s a character flaw that us creatives like to….well….create. So, we chase the rush of creating something new only to get frustrated, burnt out and frazzled.

Have you ever gone back in your interior design business and tracked what marketing is working….or not?

Take a look at:

  • Where are your best leads are coming from? I had a designer talk through this with me the other day. As she was answering this question, she ‘discovered’ that so many great leads had come from a handful of realtors. Once she realized this, she decided to engage more with those realtors and ask them to bring others in their office to a meeting. Ah….the power of doing more with less effort!
  • What posts garnered the most engagement? In my mastermind group last week, a member talked about how they went back through Instagram and boosted a post that performed very well. Every once in a while, she boosts the same post, with great results. She is regularly getting followers from that one, easy and inexpensive tactic.
  • Do personal phone calls or emails re-engage past customers or referrals from vendors simply because you reached out? Everyone is busy and one way to stay top of mind is to be top of mind. Make phone calls while in the car and reach out just to see how your past clients, or vendors, or related professional are doing. When an opportunity comes across their desk, and you’ve been staying in touch, you will be the one they call. 
interior designer checking marketing

Action Item

Add 30 minutes into your calendar each week to track what happened the previous week. What worked? What didn’t? What garnered great engagement? Then, you will know the answers to the above questions.

Whenever a call comes into my office, I fill out a Prospect sheet and track where the lead came from. I want to know if this was a referral from a client or another trade professional. I keep all my notes from that first meeting together and place this information in a spreadsheet where I can sort it. At a glance, I can see who referred work to me, what type of project it was and also if the opportunity was awarded to me. Knowing this information gives you POWER. It gives you the data to know where you really should be spending your marketing time. This brings clarity to what you should be spending your time on because it garners RESULTS!

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Written by Pamela durkin

Design is powerful and Pam wants designers to step into that power. After almost 30 years in the design business, helping other designers create a business they love became a new passion for her. She teaches others how to be magnetic and attract the best clients. This method makes owning a design business easier and more fulfilling and who isn’t up for that? Her book, Elevate! Can be found here.

Pam Durkin Headshot

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