All Mydoma plans include basic access to the Mydoma Visualizer. However, each studio is limited to one seat. For advanced features, the Visualizer Pro Add-On is available for purchase post-joining.Includes Stripe, Quickbooks, Facebook, Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and thousands of integrations through Zapier.

Introducing Ask Dixie – Our New Help Column For Interior Designers

June 7, 2022

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it before – everyone would benefit from having their own Dixie! From her 18 year career in the industry spanning commercial interior design with an architecture firm, space planning and styling at a high-end furniture store, e-design, and running her own firm, to being one of Mydoma’s first users and becoming a product manager – she has a wealth of experience and knowledge that any designer might envy.

And now you CAN get your own Dixie, because we’re launching a new regular column on our blog – Ask Dixie, where you can ask Dixie questions or advice about Mydoma, the business of interior design, or anything else you might want an accomplished and savvy designer to weigh in on!

So if you have a question for Dixie, be sure to either to head over to our Facebook group and add it to our “Ask Dixie” thread, DM us on social, or, if you’d like to submit anonymously, send an email to – and we’ll try to get to it in a future column!

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