All Mydoma plans include basic access to the Mydoma Visualizer. However, each studio is limited to one seat. For advanced features, the Visualizer Pro Add-On is available for purchase post-joining.Includes Stripe, Quickbooks, Facebook, Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and thousands of integrations through Zapier.
Certified Mydoma Visualizer VA
headshot Elizabeth Browne

Liz Browne

logo with title Elizabeth Browne

Elizabeth Browne Interiors


Liz Browne has been working in the interior design field for fifteen years, and has had a lifetime of appreciation and love for the creative process. Being brought up in a home that highlighted both beauty and creativity, she grew up with an appreciation and passion for design. This has translated into her career and guides her as she creates beautiful and livable spaces. After a career as a corporate trainer and having two children, Liz went back to school to get certified in interior design. She has personally renovated four homes and worked for a custom home furnishing company. She also spent eight years at an interior design firm serving the New York area. Liz now heads up Elizabeth Browne Interiors where she offers full service interior design services, and most recently is now offering 3D rendering services to busy interior designers.

What made you decide to become a Designer Virtual Assistant?

Being able to visualize a space through 3D renderings is a powerful tool for designers to convey a design plan and I love to be able to provide that aha moment when clients see their space in a new light.

What are your top 3 traits your clients love?

Integrity. Professionalism. Work ethic.

What is your X-factor a.k.a. the one thing that differentiates you from other VA’s?

I am left AND right brained. I am both creative and great with numbers.

What is your signature style and/or the styles that you love working with?

Classic traditional with a stylish twist.

What is your key strength as a virtual assistant?

Organization and follow up.

Give us a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes when you’re putting together project for a designer (i.e. your process).

I make sure I have all the proper measurements for the space. I set up an efficient line of communication between my client and me. I make sure I have the furnishings list with the proper details and make sure all the details are correct.

What are 3 Fun facts about you ?!?!?!

  1. I have a full arsenal of power tools and use them to create built-in millwork and mouldings
  2. I walk 3 miles every day.
  3. I am an architecture buff.

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